
in de Hoofdrol

Introducing “Truffel” (Truffle in English), a delightful little cookbook that combines truffle dishes with wine pairing recommendations. Originally conceived as a gift accompanying the purchase of one of the wines featured in the cookbook, it has become a cherished culinary companion. While there might not be another edition in the works, the absence of future releases is indeed a pity.

My role in the development of “Truffel” encompassed the layout and design of the booklet. I took great care in crafting an appealing visual arrangement that would enhance the culinary experience for readers. Additionally, I lent a helping hand in capturing the captivating photographs, ensuring they complemented the content seamlessly.

Though my involvement with “Truffel” extended to photography assistance, my primary focus was on creating an aesthetically pleasing layout and design. Collaborating on this project has been a gratifying experience, contributing to the overall presentation and enjoyment of this unique culinary gem.

Client: Textuur Wijn
Date: May 5, 2021